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Monday, September 28, 2015

Wk 33 - Learning a lot about the little fellow already

Mondays have gotten a totally different meaning nowadays. Monday is always the cut off to a new pregnancy week in my case, thus a very positive day. One week further again, hurray!

On Sunday, which closed the wk 32, was a happy day.
My husband got me a nice picture with the text: "You are my sunshine". It made me happy. There are rare moments when I momentarily feel that me and the Kugel / Kuula (Canon ball) are kind of full maintenance, since I cannot do anything useful around the house. It was so nice and uplifting to get the confirmation that we as a team are doing fine and my positive spirit shows.

We felt like celebrating on Sunday evening reaching one of the milestones: getting beyond the worst risk zone. In our case this meant eating air popped popcorns (no salt, nor butter) and slice of carrot cake. Wuhhuuu! I do not eat much of sweet stuff anyway but have cut it to nearly non-existence during the pregnancy. Eating the slice of a carrot cake was funny experience. It was awesome but it also felt like more than plenty. I could feel that my body was momentarily confused about what was going on :) All that fun was accompanied by Madagascar 2 movie. In other words a perfect celebration evening!

I cannot wait to have Sisu in the age, where we can watch cartoon movies together. I just love cartoon movies and family movies. I still recall one of my god-daughters once looking at my DVD shelf (before I gave most of them away when moving to US) and asking:"Aunt-Inna, why are you having so many kids movies but you do not have any kids?" I tried to answer her first like a normal adult would:"So that you would have plenty to watch when ever you are here." But kids know when you are trying to bluff...she looked at me with her eye brows shrunk. The facial expression that has the stamp all over:"Not buying any of that!" I gave in and admitted that I just simply love watching cartoon movies. After which we sat together, in our home made movie theater, watching one of the movies and had so much fun :) My nephews have learned it fast too that I like watching what they watch. Which sometimes means...watching the Cars movie 5 times :)

The past days and nights I have learned to tell bit more the different movements that Sisu has. As I have shared before, he is a very active little guy. I have been able to learn by observing the different pattern and strength of his movements between when he is active, sleeping or even crying.

Yes, crying is not something they learn from the spot when they are born and do the trick like masters from first attempt. Research shows that from wk 28 onwards babies express their displeasure while crying in the womb. Since there is none or very little air bubbles there, it more like a silent cry.

But I was able to tell one night our little guy not being very happy, he was kicking and boxing, strong punches, with all 4 at fast speed. He woke me up with that.
Not sure if it was all the refried beans that my husband has cooked, which may have, apart from making him displeased, but also provided some air bubbles to the womb as well. LOL! As in the silence of the night I could hear few very faint wailing sounds coming from....inside of me (no, it was not intestant grumbling).
More like the sounds that dolphins make to each other when they are under water.

I followed my instinct and started talking with a calm voice, also rubbing the spots, where I felt his feet kicking. Few moments later he calmed down and I could feel that his movements changed to the ones he has, when he sleeps.
At that moment I wish I could have woken up my husband but did not dare. I was smiling this huge smile in the darkness of our bedroom. Before our little boy has been even born, I was able to calm him down. I was able to communicate to him in a way, which helped him to go back to sleep. No words can describe the happiness cloud that I was sailing in for a while, until I too fell asleep.

When Sisu sleeps the movements are more gentle. More like a little the cute dog puppies when they are twitching during their sleep. Very gentle, short and small movements.

Most of the nights Sisu lets me sleep and he seems to sleep most of the night too. In the morning he usually makes sure that I get my internal alarm as per the routine schedule, at 8 am. If I am not up by then, little boxing and kicking starts. No matter which day of the week it is.
Some mornings I am able to negotiate with him that we will stay in bed bit longer :)

During most days he has his exercise routines, which include aqua yoga, aqua stretching, boxing and dancing. Some days it feels like he is renovating more space in his belly apartment, as the bouncing around looks more like something is gonna come through the belly soon. Sisu seems to really like it when me or my husband stroke the spot, where we can feel his foot stretched. So, he is getting pampered already with a baby massage :) :)

There have been only few nights, when he has been dancing the night away and not giving me the internal alarm in the morning.
It seems that both of us are sensitive to the full moon :) Last night I was awake and Sisu was having a full moon party to celebrate the super moon. Same thing happened with last full moon. I take it positively though. Being sensitive to the moon cycle means that one has the bond to the nature and its energies, which to me has always been an important connection to have in life.

Talking about the nature....
As the Halloween and autumn time is approaching; from me and Sisu in the Kugel/Kuula - wishing you an autumn and Halloween filled with joy!


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