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Friday, September 18, 2015

TGIF - Simple Joys of Life & Slow Life

Life in today's world is hectic, easily overfilled with sensory overload. If there is a moment of peace & quiet, one escapes the calm moment to a shopping mall or grocery store...just because.

Myself, and many I know, have tough time to "just do NOthing". Yet, that is as per the recent research results one important skill in preventing one to burn the candles from both ends. I think during the past 7 weeks I have finally learned the skill, even managed to make peace with it....and strangely enough, enjoy it.

The amazing energy charge one has after a moment of not having done anything special, just letting the mind run its own path. The trick to the energy charge is first to get rid of the feel of "I should be doing something useful" and enforced feeling of guilt that us over-performers first link to such activity of doing "nothing".

What it ultimately leads to as well is the awareness of simple joys and positive things in the daily life.  One gets also lot more ideas that way. When the mind is not over crowded or sensors are left to rest, instead of focusing on wants & wish to have & co., one starts paying more attention to here and now. One does not try to operate the mind but allows it to "take a walk in the park". I feel also that I am able to be more present now than I have been before. All of this is again positive development to all the relationships and maintaining them, not to mention what's needed in the future with Sisu.

Spotted interesting info from a Finnish Baby magazine: Recent study shows that if parents are not present when interacting with the baby, the baby is not getting the necessary responses to its communication attempts. Which leads possibly to slower development in communication but also on the emotional side as well. Starting from as little thing as whether the baby gets easily response to the eye contact with the parent and of course the amount of skin contact, since skin & body is in the beginning the antenna of the baby.

A simple joy moment example: Me knitting on the couch...and then stopping it, cause my attention is
directed to observing my husband cooking in the kitchen. Not sure how long I happily drifted in that activity, just simply enjoying watching him fuzzing around. We did not talk, he did not even notice I was observing. He was so happy in his own world. Such a beautiful moment, happy and so much pure positive energy with very little effort.

Another simple joy is the feeling of happiness, which carries on for days, when getting audio & video calls from near and far.  The happiness just takes over the whole body and mind, keeps making me smile even few days later.
I like the feeling I have managed to gain; there is nothing else I need to do right now. I can and WANT (This is the most important part; Wanting to give the undivided attention) give my 100% concentration to the call and the discussions. One can easily get that organized in normal life too...just stop and focus on the call or on the person one is talking with. I have had the habits of not taking calls when visiting a friend & family or having visitors. Yet, calming the mind to focus fully on the other persons story and just taking it in, that requires conscious adjustment and the will allow one to do so.

It is nice feeling when my family & friends from across the Atlantic take the time to send message or call. Makes me so happy to hear from those, who are with in the spirit all the way from there. Funny....before I was closer by and visited them on regular basis but at the same busy working as well.
The network here, family and friends. One knows to appreciate it now even more than before. Having the time just to talk, not just catching up but talking about life and their experiences.

Acknowledging that family & friends, near and far, have a choice and lot of other things to do...yet they want to hear how I am doing or stop by for a visit. There were times before, when I sometimes felt afterwards, that I was not able to fully listen or focus on the person...cause my mind was working on 10 other things or nagging about something I should be doing to be really efficient.

Now one is able to focus on the calls & visits in a whole different way and the mind is not trying to race through 100 others things parallel.

There is also the amazing positive force of getting support from people, who I have not even met, but who are fighting in same spirit their own battles. Or people, who are friends of my American parents and send their best wishes and share that they include us 3 in their prayers. Makes one really humble and thankful.

In this current slow life....the difference between weekday and weekend kind of vanishes when one is on bed/couch rest. Yet, one can make a special feel to them. Today I decided to allow my feet enjoy the Friday feel. Have not done that for a while. When I run, I have the habit at least once a week treat my feet...but lately, well have not been running, so have kind of forgotten that nice routine.
Whether running, pregnant or not, feet appreciate the attention and pay it forward to your whole well being. They don't say for nothing that feet are the foundation to your entire body :) and in Asian culture feet are the gateway also to stress relief and mental well being. Another good old saying comes from Germany "your feet are your auxiliary kidneys".

Alkaline foot bath, nice brushing and scrubbing with Clarisonic supporting the activity. At the end my feet were as smooth as baby's butt :) Apart from that I was nearly dancing around and felt like a new person. The great side effect of the alkaline foot bath / bath is its detox effect and how it helps the skin to restore its balance. I have long ago stopped using anything else than ph balanced shower gels but alkaline boost every now and then, makes wonders :)
Meine Base alkaline salt: LINK

Maybe next Friday I put on a really lovely facial mask and get my husband to laugh at the same :)

Happy TGIF!!!


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