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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My take on the nutrition during pregnancy

There are surely as many views on pregnancy nutrition as there are pregnancies. For a first time pregnant mother-to-be it can be though tough to find the way in the jungle of information. Thus wanted to share what has worked for me. My style is combination of Finnish and American research based information and most of all, common sense.

I have been interested in nutrition, as well as nutrition supplements since I was a teenager. I worked as a side job during school breaks at the sports nutrition importer and got to learn a lot about importance and impact of nutrition and supplements to body's ability to perform. I admit openly to be bit of a nutrition and exercise freak. I love keeping myself updated about the latest research and experiment as well. Of course always listening to my body.

The importance of nutrition has only increased its importance to me during the pregnancy. In particular when I was ordered to bed rest. As ensuring that one can give the body what it needs but at the same make sure that you do not overload it and keep your weight gain in the healthy levels. The below list is naturally on top of a healthy meal diet, which should include good variety of healthy foods. For me this meant healthy home cooked meals, supported with daily vegetable and fruit additions and no sweets. I have been limiting the overall intake of sugar to very minimum. Only during the late 3rd trimester I have allowed myself occasional desert. Just because sugar can have so much negative impact on the pregnancy but also later in life for the child.

Please note that these are just my personal preferences and things, which have worked well for me. As each person is individual and their body reacts to pregnancy differently, listen to your body and use your common sense, as well as your personal preferences.

Prenatal Vitamins
I started taking these the moment we started talking about wanting to start trying to get the new family member going. For me this meant for me just changing from daily vitamin to prenatal vitamin.
I ended up choosing GNC Prenatal Formula with Iron (LINK) but without DHA (Omega 3).
Reason for this was simply lessons learned from sports. Due to the increased blood amount iron will be one of the crucial building blocks to keep the nutrition flowing to the baby. The better hemoglobin, the better capacity for the blood to carry oxygen.

If one needs additional iron to support Floradix is a great product. As it is liquid, it is absorbed well by the body and minimizes the stomach irritation.


Important support during pregnancy and the further one goes in the pregnancy, the more one learns the importance of it. I have been fiber fan always and eaten my full rye bread instead of white bread. In Finland we have full rye bread, which has high fiber consistency. I have luckily been able to find few places, where one can order Finnish rye bread.
Apart from that I enjoy good portion of Metamucil every morning, followed by fiber rich breakfast: steel cut oats with berried and mix of milk & greek yogurt.

With this approach I have not had any issues of constipation during pregnancy. Also was able to avoid hemorrhoids till this week. Sisu's has grown so well and has taken the start position, which I think to be the reason the pressure has grown.

Omega 3
I chose to take Omega 3 / DHA separately because of my experience of mixing DHA to a multivitamin results to issues in allowing the body to take the maximum benefit of the DHA. I have taken Omega 3 / DHA supplement separately since...I was a little child myself. My nanny gave me spoonful of fish liver oil everyday. All the other kids hated it, where as I was always eager to get my daily portion :)

Omega 3 is important on so many counts, for the mother and the baby. Starting from positive impact to one's mood / mental balance, i.e. minimizing the risk of pregnancy or post pregnancy depression. For the baby it support the brain, visual and neurological development. Since the intake of fish products should be limited to the recommendations by the various medical sources, one needs to make sure to get enough Omega 3 otherwise.
I took already before the pregnancy GNC Triple Strength Fish Oil 1500 (LINK) and decided to continue with it.

Mainly because it has really that what my body needs and it had good rating by various consumer tests. I personally try to avoid, apart from multivitamin supplement, to buy product that has a hole host of things mixed in. I take vitamin-D and Omega 3 separately, again to help to make sure that my body can absorb what it needs in the best possible way. Often when too many different things are mixed into one tablet, there is no guarantee that your body is able to take everything in.

There have been even few recent Finnish studies supporting the additional intake of probiotics during the pregnancy and also during breastfeeding. Link to Reuter's article about one of the studies.

Impact to skin rash / eczema
The outcome of the study support that intake of certain probiotics during pregnancy helps to reduce the risk of eczema and other skin allergies. I read through the research and listed down the probiotics used in the test, hunted for the product which has the same selection of probiotics. The study also showed that children to mothers, who took probiotics during the pregnancy and breastfeeding, were prescribed less antibiotics than comparison group's children. (LINK to the study)

Impact to weight management and gestational diabetes
There are studies, which show positive impact of the intake of probiotics during pregnancy to avoiding gestational diabetes. As well as positive impact to weight management during pregnancy.

Impact to colic
Studies show also positive impact in reducing or avoiding colic. This is due to baby's improved flora of the bacteria in the intestine organs. In Finland one starts to give probiotic drops to the baby few weeks after birth as a normal procedure. Where as in US the probiotic drops are all labelled for colic treatment. Giving the baby the probiotic drops well before any colic symptoms even appear help to mitigate and minimize the colic related intestine organ related issues. (LINK to WebMD)

Again, you will find hundreds of products but the trick is to take the time to investigate the product content and ensure you get the quality content and the right probiotics. PB8 has all the probiotics, which were used in the pregnancy studies I have read.

Vitamin D 
Whether living under the sun or not, vitamin D is necessary addition to the regular diet. Especially during pregnancy. I have taken additional vitamin D supplement for years already. Simply because when I lived in Finland, the amount of day light is rather limited during most part of the year.
Vitamin D has impact to helping Omega 3 to absorb better and those two together contribute a great deal to mental health.

During pregnancy the studies show that proper vitamin D intake helps to secure baby's proper development. It helps to reduce also the risk of preterm delivery.

I did a wide search on the various studies to understand whether the dose in the prenatal vitamin is enough. I saw few studies about the benefits of taking high dose of vitamin D during pregnancy (LINK) and decided to go with that.

In my case, I have been able to avoid gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. My blood pressure has been 90% of the time giving great readings. Only few times for some reason when at the doctor's office, it was momentarily higher. Excitement or what it may have been.

The more I read about the studies around the above mentioned, the happier I am that I chose this path. Am sure that once Sisu is born, I get real life data to confirm my personal research :)


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