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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Welcome to the never ending journey parenthood

There was a time that I thought having kids and family...naaa, I can easily do without. So, I focused on work, traveling, friends and family. I had my god-daughters and was happy to baby sit & support my closest friends with their kids.

Witnessing my sister-in-law's pregnancy from close and being there to support and witness the miracle of the birth of my 1st nephew....something made a click inside. That click pretty much changed everything and there was no going back to the old way of thinking.
So, I am what we would call in Finland "late wake-up" to parenthood. As they say though, better late than never.

I must say that I am really happy to be pregnant in US. Finland ranks top in many areas but one thing that just beats many countries easily is the US customer service oriented health care.
Of course it does not come fed in by the silver spoon but when going through first pregnancy, it is nice to have the same doctor taking care of me through the whole journey. Houston being also the medical mecca of US, allows a "later wake-up" mother-to-be like me, feel to be in good hands.

I cannot guarantee that all the posts will be super interesting or make much sense. But in those cases best blame the pregnancy hormones for everything :)

I have decided to write my blogs in English to honor my friends and family across the globe. Also, this gives me a good opportunity to learn to express myself in various topics and ways in English. I will still look like a rookie compared to my husband and his verbally well talented family, but at least I try. Also, now I know all the pregnancy related words in English but have no clue what they are in Finnish. Since this area of vocabulary was not in daily use during the years I lived in Finland.

So, welcome to the...bumpy ride (at least bumpy right now) with me and my soon to be a family to the never ending journey to parenthood and to our journey as Finnish-American family.


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