I am very certain that we missed something, but oh well. We will find it out along the way :)
Poor husband got to come with me to Ikea to get a dresser for the baby gear and clothes. Easier to try to keep things organized and faster at reach.
I also cooked an interesting soup :), a pacifier soup. Sisu will get to try then how the outcome of the soup tastes.
I furthermore think that all the hand me downs from friends, trading in 2nd hand shops and pages for baby gear is AWESOME! As I was sorting and folding the clothes into the dresser, I noticed that we are bit short on pajamas and socks. Also, we had zero clothes with newborn size. It will be short period from clothing perspective Yet since one never knows for sure what the size of the baby is, does not hurt to have few pieces available.
So, nesting is in full mode and am so happy now to able to be on my feet and move around. My husband won't let me go for walks or to run errands by myself, which I won't complain about at all. Situation may change so fast and the pre labor symptoms kick in, it is good to have someone close by.
We have done this week few 5 k walks. Well, my walking is more waddling nowadays but for a very pregnant woman, who has been in bed/couch rest, not in bad condition at all.
During my bed/couch rest we have been so lucky. My husband's work has been mainly home office based work during that time. He had only one trip during the time. Even though he is then mostly in the office room, behind closed door. It has felt so great to have him close by, in case things start happening.
While waiting for him to finish the week, I baked him a strawberry-rhubarb streusel. One of his favorite type of desserts. Small gesture to show how thankful I am for him having taken such a good care of me the past few months. Very blessed to have such a great partner, friend and team member to go through this with me. When one has the significant other and good friends to share the curves of the life's journey with, things go so much smoother.
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